Crystal Knowledge & Lore
Crystals & Minerals
- Agate
- Alexandrite
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Ametrine
- Ammonite
- Angelite
- Anhydrite
- Anthophyllite-Muscovite
- Apache Tear
- Apatite
- Apophyllite
- Aquamarine
- Aragonite
- Auric Quartz
- Aventurine
- Azurite-Malachite
- Barite
- Black Tourmaline
- Bloodstone
- Blue Aragonite
- Blue Lace Agate
- Cactus Quartz
- Calcite(s)
- Carnelian
- Cavansite
- Celestite
- Cerussite
- Chalcopyrite
- Charoite
- Chinese Fluorite
- Chlorite
- Chrysanthemum
- Chrysocolla
- Chrysoprase
- Cinnabar
- Citrine
- Cobaltoan Calcite
- Copper
- Danburite
- Diopside
- Dioptase
- Dolomite
- Elestial
- Ema Egg
- Emerald
- Epidote
- Feldspar
- Fossil
- Fuchsite
- Galena
- Garnet
- Gold
- Goldstone
- Hematite
- Hemimorphite
- Herkimer Diamond
- Heulandite
- Howlite
- Infinite
- Jade
- Jasper-Nature's Paintbrush
- Jasper-Shell
- Jet
- Kunzite
- Kyanite
- Labradorite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Larimar
- Lemurian Seed
- Lepidolite
- Lithium Quartz
- Lodestone
- Magnesite
- Malachite
- Manganocalcite
- Moldavite
- Mookaite
- Moonstone
- Obsidian
- Okenite
- Onyx
- Opal
- Peridot
- Picasso Marble
- Pietersite
- Purple Fluorite
- Pyrite
- Pyromorphite
- Quartz
- Quartz-Pyrite-Galena
- Rhodocrosite
- Rhodonite
- Rose Amethyst
- Rose Quartz
- Ruby Zoisite
- Rutilated quartz
- Sapphire
- Scolecite
- Selenite
- Septarian Nodule
- Serpentine
- Shattuckite
- Shiva Lingham
- Smokey Quartz
- Sodalite
- Sphaerocobaltite
- Sphalerite
- Spinel
- Spirit Quartz
- Sulfur
- Sunstone
- Tangerine Quartz
- Tibetan Quartz
- Tiger Eye
- Topaz
- Tourmalinated Quartz
- Tourmaline
- Turquoise
- Unakite
- Vanadanite
- Vesuvianite
- Vogel-style
- Worry Stones
- Zeolite
"Life's not about waiting for the storms to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain."
~ Vivian Greene
Tue, 08/12/2008 - 05:03 | Charlie
Bloodstone helps one to center and ground the heart to live in the “here and now”. It assists in the access of, and communications with the ancestral spiritual realm. It also enhances the states of harmony, strength and adaptability. It instills unselfishness and idealism while stimulating creativity.
Bloodstone is a great purifier, a healing tool for dispelling negative influences from the auric fields and bringing one’s subtle energies into wholeness and balance.