Crystal Knowledge & Lore
Crystals & Minerals
- Agate
- Alexandrite
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Ametrine
- Ammonite
- Angelite
- Anhydrite
- Anthophyllite-Muscovite
- Apache Tear
- Apatite
- Apophyllite
- Aquamarine
- Aragonite
- Auric Quartz
- Aventurine
- Azurite-Malachite
- Barite
- Black Tourmaline
- Bloodstone
- Blue Aragonite
- Blue Lace Agate
- Cactus Quartz
- Calcite(s)
- Carnelian
- Cavansite
- Celestite
- Cerussite
- Chalcopyrite
- Charoite
- Chinese Fluorite
- Chlorite
- Chrysanthemum
- Chrysocolla
- Chrysoprase
- Cinnabar
- Citrine
- Cobaltoan Calcite
- Copper
- Danburite
- Diopside
- Dioptase
- Dolomite
- Elestial
- Ema Egg
- Emerald
- Epidote
- Feldspar
- Fossil
- Fuchsite
- Galena
- Garnet
- Gold
- Goldstone
- Hematite
- Hemimorphite
- Herkimer Diamond
- Heulandite
- Howlite
- Infinite
- Jade
- Jasper-Nature's Paintbrush
- Jasper-Shell
- Jet
- Kunzite
- Kyanite
- Labradorite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Larimar
- Lemurian Seed
- Lepidolite
- Lithium Quartz
- Lodestone
- Magnesite
- Malachite
- Manganocalcite
- Moldavite
- Mookaite
- Moonstone
- Obsidian
- Okenite
- Onyx
- Opal
- Peridot
- Picasso Marble
- Pietersite
- Purple Fluorite
- Pyrite
- Pyromorphite
- Quartz
- Quartz-Pyrite-Galena
- Rhodocrosite
- Rhodonite
- Rose Amethyst
- Rose Quartz
- Ruby Zoisite
- Rutilated quartz
- Sapphire
- Scolecite
- Selenite
- Septarian Nodule
- Serpentine
- Shattuckite
- Shiva Lingham
- Smokey Quartz
- Sodalite
- Sphaerocobaltite
- Sphalerite
- Spinel
- Spirit Quartz
- Sulfur
- Sunstone
- Tangerine Quartz
- Tibetan Quartz
- Tiger Eye
- Topaz
- Tourmalinated Quartz
- Tourmaline
- Turquoise
- Unakite
- Vanadanite
- Vesuvianite
- Vogel-style
- Worry Stones
- Zeolite
"Life's not about waiting for the storms to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain."
~ Vivian Greene

Cinnabar stimulates dignity, vitality & power. It is beneficial in the world of business & finance. It enables one towards invincibility, while serving to remove obstructions.
Cinnabar can be called the "merchant’s stone"...helping one maintain a state of wealth. It also brings one the qualities of fluency, persuasiveness & effectiveness in ones aspirations. Cinnabar is excellent in extracting energy blocks and helps in the treatment of weight disorders.
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