Howlite, which is named for its discoverer Henry How (a Nova Scotia geologist), is one of those minerals that is more famous for imitating another mineral. It has a Moh’s harness of 3.5. Howlite aid in minimizing an overly critical state of mind, selfishness, stress, pain, and rudeness. It increases sublety and tact. It also heightens creativity. It is good for deepening sleep thus recovering wisdom from the dream state
It also helps to calm awareness, patience, prudent action and positive emotional expression. For those that meditate with Howlite, it is used in reducing stress. Howlite can be used to eliminate pain, stress and rage; hence it is an assed to anyones’ collection. It discourages impertinent behaviour and encourages subtlety and tact. It helps bones, teeth, calcium levels and leg cramps.