Lodestone is actually magnetite with an additional property of polarity. This additional property of lodestone enables one to both fundamentally recognize and distinguish between the dualities which exist in ones environment. It enhances receptivity and helps one to rejoice in all of the circumstances which enter into ones life. It balances the male/female aspect of ones body, mind, emotions and consciousness for each moment. It assists in bringing to fruition that which is “wanted” and encourages one to “hold fast” to ones purpose.
It promotes motivation and confidences, eliminating insecurity and dependence Lodestone further serves to provide guidance with respect to the most beneficial direction for progression and ultimate ascension, helping one to understand the signs that point to the easiest lessons and the most advantageous circumstances. It helps to balance and to align the meridians of the physical body with the etheric body, activates the chakras, aligns the etheric to the astral body and to stimulate ease in astral travel.